Crate url_parse

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A library for parsing URLs.

url-parse provides some missing schemes (sftp, ssh, s3) and enables the user to specify custom schemes before parsing.


use url_parse::core::Parser;
use url_parse::url::Url;
let input = "";
let result = Parser::new(None).parse(input).unwrap();
    Url {
        scheme: Some("https".to_string()),
        user_pass: (Some("user".to_string()), Some("pass".to_string())),
        subdomain: Some("www".to_string()),
        domain: Some("".to_string()),
        top_level_domain: Some("uk".to_string()),
        port: Some(443),
        path: Some(vec![
        query: Some("docid=720&hl=en#dayone".to_string()),
        anchor: Some("dayone".to_string()),

Passing a Some(HashMap) to Parser::new() can be used to create custom schemes.

The hashmap is a key,value pair representing the scheme name (key) to a port and description mapping (value).


use std::collections::HashMap;
use url_parse::core::Parser;
use url_parse::url::Url;
let input = "myschema://";
let mut myport_mappings = HashMap::new();
myport_mappings.insert("myschema", (8888, "My custom schema"));
let result = Parser::new(Some(myport_mappings)).parse(input).unwrap();
    Url {
        scheme: Some("myschema".to_string()),
        user_pass: (Some("user".to_string()), Some("pass".to_string())),
        subdomain: Some("www".to_string()),
        domain: Some("".to_string()),
        top_level_domain: Some("uk".to_string()),
        port: Some(8888),
        path: Some(vec![
        query: None,
        anchor: None,
